
 Add new recipients

Please follow the steps below to add new recipient.   1) Login to i-Invoicing  2) Click the...

 How can customer enter i-Invoicing

Customer can enter i-Invoicing as follows 1) Invoice notification (recommended) - Click the link...

 How to change password

1) Go to 2) Click 'Change password' 3) Input Login ID, existing password,...

 How to submit payment enquiry/e-cheque

1) Go to Invoice & Receipt 2) Click Unsettled 3) Click the check box(es) of the invoice(s)...

 Request to send password

Customer can attain their password by 'forgot password' 1) Go to 2)...

 Update recipient email (original recipient has left the company )

Procedure: 1) Ask customer to fill up "Password reset for Invoice Recipient Request Form" 2) In...